
A protrusion of a part of the intestine through a weakened spot in the muscles and membranes of the inguinal region of the abdomen, in which the intestine pushes into, and sometimes fills, the entire scrotal sac in the male, is known as a

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This type of Herniation is known as an Inguinal hernia. Inguinal hernia are also known as groin herniation, and can affect both women and men, however it is much more common in males. The physiology of a hernia, is a protrusion of a segment of the small intestines or bowel through a weakened sight of muscle, and then pushes itself into a cavity. In men this is commonly the scrotum.

While not altogether a dangerous condition it, can get that way. Most herniation never divulge into complications, with any associated symptoms, however when the do it usually is very painful, with swelling. Usually the mechanisms for these complications revolve around three very life and limb threatening behaviors; The segment of intestines becomes kinked, and food or wastes becomes obstructed which can ultimately cause Illeus, The segment of intestines could also become constricted to the point where adequate blood flow, becomes obstructing which will then cause infarction (cell death), and ultimately a dangerous infection. Additionally you could constrict the testes, which is not good.... to say the least. In women, there is the possibility it could cause issues with the femoral blood vessels. These herniation require immediate surgical intervention.Â