Appledale has 32,000 full-time residents including 4,000 residents either retired or are too young to work. of the total, 15,000 residents are employed full time while 8,000 work part time. the town has 2,000 residents not currently working but looking for work. the remaining residents have given up looking for work.

a. what is the size of appledale's labor force?

b. what is appledale's employment rate?

c. what is appledale's unemployment rate?

d. what percentage of the population are discouraged workers?

Respuesta :

For the first question, the answer is 25000. Computation: 15000 + 2000 + 8000

For the second question, the answer is 92%. Computation: 23000/25000

For the third question, the answer is 8%. Computation: 2,000/25000

For the last question, the answer is 9.38%. A discouraged worker is am individual of legal employment age who is not enthusiastically looking employment.