Which of the following can increase your credit card’s APR?
APaying the minimum
BMissing a credit card payment
CPaying off the full balance
DCashing in on rewards points

Respuesta :

A: If you pay the minimum then you'll just get more interests. "No" Also, paying the minimum just means: You are paying a small portion of your credit card debt.
B: Missing a credit card payment will increase your credit card APR since you'll be fined depending on the amount of the bill.
C: That won't change your APR.
D: Reward points isn't physical cash that will change your APR.

B: Missing a credit card payment

The APR of your credit card will be increased if you show that you're not responsible for paying all of bills/credit.
Some good guidelines to follow would be:
- Know your rates
- Always pay the full balance
- Know your credit
- Consider making a forbearance plan and/or a debt management plan, also known as credit counseling. But go to a well known company. It might cost you more, but you can easily be scammed if you go to a more sketchy business.

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