"Linda was alone. He was in the dark next to a small house. He could hear strange sounds and bangs coming from the small house near him. He gazed at his friend Jess and they both nodded at each other. They were going to finally go into that house and see what's really going on in there.
 What they didn't know was that they were being pranked by their friends. Once the two of them were inside of the small house, their hiding friends were going to pop up and scare them. The two friends ventured together into the abandoned home, finally facing their fear. It was dark inside and the floor creaked every time they took a step.
 Both of them were equally afraid, but none of them wanted to admit it before the other. As they got deeper in the old house, they heard a sharp shriek. Afraid, they jumped to hide behind an old, dusty sofa that was in the room next to them. Linda's pranking friends had hidden earlier behind that same sofa. Noticing that there was something breathing next to them, they froze in fear. A while later, they noticed it was too dark for anyone to see anyone in that old house, so they decided that they would slowly sneak out without being noticed. They walked as slowly and quietly as possible until they saw the sparks of light coming from the cracked, unopen door. Together, they felt strong and ran out of the house as fast as possible"