Well, I'm not going to write your paragraphs for you because I wouldn't feel good about that. Too close to cheating. I will give you some of my notes though! I feel that these points are a good starting place for you to base your paragraphs on.
Reasons the bomb should have been used: Â
• Force them to surrender
• Ultimately save many lives by swiftly ending the war
• As a demonstration of American strength
• Holding true to the promise that if Japan didn’t surrender, they would face annihilation. Â
• As recompence for the bombing at Pearl Harbor.
Reasons the bomb should not have been used: Â
• It would kill a ton of people.
• The negative effects would be long lasting.
• The radiation alone killed as many people as the initial bombing
• Many of the lives lost would be those of innocent people. Children, women, the disabled and the elderly. Â
• 200,000 casualties