Respuesta :
def occurencesOfWords(words,freq):
 for i in range(len(words)):
   for j in range(len(words)):
 for key in frequency_dictionary:
 return matched_frequency_words
if __name__=='__main__':
 words=user_input.split(" ");
 for s in required_words:
- Inside the occurencesOfWords function, initialize a frequency_dictionary that is used to store the string and the frequency of that specific string .
- matched_frequency_words is an array that is used to store each string whose frequency matches with the provided frequency
- Run a nested for loop up to the length of words and inside the nested for loop, skip the iteration if both variables i and j are equal as both strings are at same index.
- Increment the counter variable, if two string are equal.
- Loop through the frequency_dictionary to get the matching frequency strings .
- Finally test the program inside the main function.