
Part II: Answer after working through the collaborative (group) assignment:
1. In relation to the application of von Thunen's model and associated assumptions, both past and present:
Please answer the following:
a. From your reading, your collaborative analysis and associated interpretation, identify and discuss a
specific agricultural example in which the process of production to consumption supports von Thunen's
assumptions noted from the reading and your associated interpretation
b. From your reading, your collaborative analysis and associated interpretation, identify and discuss a
specific agricultural example in which the process of production to consumption does not support von
Thunen's assumptions noted from the reading and your associated interpretation.
c. From your reading, your collaborative analysis and associated interpretation, does the process of
modern agribusiness and vertical integration support the premise of von Thunen's locational theory of
Please keep in mind historical context when doing this analysis. I.e. Von Thunen suggested this model
approx. 180 years ago! Also, please try to give specific examples wherever you can.

Respuesta :


How do you expect us to work in groups?

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