Answer/ Explanation:
Since X is exponentially distributed, its expected value is given by E[X]=1/λ=2.
Therefore,  E[Y]=E[1−2X]=E[1]+E[−2X]=E[1]−2E[X]=1−2E[X]=1−2⋅2=−3.
We define the moment-generating function of Y as MY(t). It is given by
If I give you the hint that E[g(Y)]=∫∞0g(y)fY(y)dy, where fY(y) is the probability density function of Y, can you also solve for the moment generating function of Y?
We have E[X2]=2/λ2=2/(0.5)2=8. Thus,
Continuing for the moment-generating function:
where fX(x) is the probability density function of X and thus satisfies fX(x)=λe−λx. Substituting yields
It is also good to note that
If you are after expectation, variance or moment generating function of Y then it is not needed to find the PDF of Y (see the answer of Ritz).
This is not an answer on the question in the title, but one on the question in the body.
Note that the last equality demands that FX is continuous.
Differentating on both sides gives fY on LHS and an expression in fX on RHS.