Respuesta :
The code is in C.
We use the built-in functions to make the required calculations. These functions are already defined in C. We need to import math.h to be able to use the pow(), fabs(), and sqrt() functions
Comments are used to explain each line of the code
//importing the required libraries
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
 //Declaring the variables x, y, z
 float x, y, z;
 //Getting inputs for x, y, z
 scanf("%f", &x);
 scanf("%f", &y);
 scanf("%f", &z);
 //Calculating the x to the power of z using the pow function
 double result1 = pow(x, z);
 //Calculating the x to the power of (y to the power of 2) using the pow function inside the another pow function
 double result2 = pow(x, pow(y, 2));
 //Calculating the absolute value of y using the fabs function
 double result3 = fabs(y);
 //Calculating the square root of (xy to the power of z) using the sqrt and pow functions
 double result4 = sqrt(pow(x * y, z));
 //Printing the results using prinntf("%0.2f") to get the two digits after decimal value
 printf("%0.2f\n", result1);
 printf("%0.2f\n", result2);
 printf("%0.2f\n", result3);
 printf("%0.2f\n", result4);
 return 0;
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